2019 Lab Research Achievements
3 students successfully defended their MASc theses. There have been ups and downs but we learned from each other. We were resilient and we persevered.
9 students convocated.
iFuELs website began construction.
1 paper under review.
I-FuELs Logo was created.
Featured in the UWindsor Daily News.
Showcased at the University of Windsor's Open House.
I-FuELs was featured in the Windsor Engineering magazine.
Last but not least, we moved to a permanent space for our research.
_ Team Additions
4 Graduations and Convocations
Dr. Jianu was promoted to Associate Professor
Acquired a Shadow Imager Dantec Dynamics for lab research.
International Soups Uniting People, or I-SoUPs, raised $600 for the University of Windsor's Student Alliance Food Pantry for Christmas